If you are a college student, then you will often find the task of writing an article of your professors and many students who find difficulty in writing articles because they never practice in developing skills in writing. not a few of them will do the downloading articles from the internet or melakukkan copy-paste the article from a friend's.
Actually, in every person has this capability, but only needs to be developed and practiced. the means of practicing the right to practice and develop skills in writing, that is through blogging, must have been many who know what it is blogging. Blogging not only serves as a place to write articles, but actually blogging has many functions, you can use blogging as a means of:
01. Writing skills, practice in developing your writing skills
02. You can use blogging as a place to share your ideas, opinion, scientific works, share your discoveries, make new friends with other bloggers,
03. Some even use blogging as a means of diary, which is to write their daily lives, uploading photos and videos, so it can be viewed by friends and others.
04. There also are using blogging as a means of selling their products, such as handicraft products, and others.
Some of the above is partially a function of blogging, and would be very very useful for you, especially you who are want to learn to write articles and scientific papers, then this is the right place, because blogging is very simple and quick to understand by anyone. So at a later stage you can get money from the ads that you put into your blog, which is PPC (Pay Per Click), you will get paid when someone click the ads on your blog, for example: Bidvertiser, AdHitz, and Google Adsense. The biggest PPC is Google Adsense pay.
The conclusion was that blogging is an interesting work, other than a place to train the ability to write articles, blogging can also make money for anyone who is seriously working on it. success for you.
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